Schedule Power Interruption (JULY 8, 2023) between 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Date: JULY 8, 2023 (SATURDAY)
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 8 HOURS
Affected Areas:
•Entire Municipality of Vinzenzu Sagun
•Parts of Brgy. Lumbog, Margosatubig
•Brgy. Limamawan, Margosatubig
Reason/s of Interruption:
1.ZAMSURECO-I will conduct 3-phase primary reconductoring from 1/0 to 4/0 from C4 lumbong, Margos to C8 boundary V-Sagun and Margosatubig, center phase pole dressings and clearing of powerlines.
As a safety precaution, please always consider the power lines energized during the power interruption. Power will be immediately restored upon completion of the emergency works. Please take the necessary preparations and precautions in anticipation of this schedule power interruption.
Thank you.
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