A. Consistent clearing of ROW (Linis Linya)

B. Periodic Pole to Pole inspection to:       

      - remove/replace broken insulators.
      - Remove/replace damaged poles, crossarms.
      - Tighten wire joints and wire tappings to transformer cut outs and other equipments.

C. Installation of line clamps, in every transformer and cut-outs, wire crossings to municipalities, barangays and streets to facilitate their isolation in case of brownouts and repairs.

D. Maintain correct rating in fuses based on the ampere loading of the area.

E. Always ready with available fuse links, fuse wires or if none, should have stocks of improvised fuse links and fuse wires of correct rating.

F. Should have program or plans for an effective operations maintenance not just trouble shooting.

G. Periodic servicing of transformer and reclosers with oil.

H. Build standard lines always.




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