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NGCP Scheduled Power Interruption (May 02, 2020)

NGCP SCHEDULED POWER INTERRUPTION(Scheduled power interruption along NGCP's Aurora-Magangon 69KV line) When: MAY 02, 2020 SATURDAY

Affected Substations:
☑️Culo Substation
☑️Switch Substation
☑️San Jose Substation


1) Time: 8:00AM - 8:30AM
Reason/s of Interruption:
a) Load transfer of ZAMSURECO-I's Culo Substation from Aurora Substation to Polanco Substation for the repair of DS05 (5LI1AUR-MGN)AUR at Aurora Substation due to found-out critical hotspot at its Phase "B" main contact blades.

2) Time: 5:00PM - 5:30PM
Reason/s of Interruption:
a) Normalization / transfer of Load from Polanco Substation back to Aurora Substation.

Affected Municipalities:
☑️Don Victoriano, Mis. Occ.


3) Time: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Reason/s of Interruption:
a) Shutdown of ZAMSURECO-I's Switch & San Jose Substation during repair of Disconnect Switch at Aurora Substsation with Transmission Line ride-on activities.

4) Time: 5:00PM - 5:30PM
Reason/s of Interruption:
a) Normalization / transfer of Load from Polanco Substation back to Aurora Substation.

Affected Municipalities:
☑️Ramon Magsaysay
☑️Aurora (except Brgy. Inroad, Lantungan, Lubid, Resthouse)

Normalization / transfer of load maybe facilitated at an earlier time upon completion of the scheduled works, which depends on the circumstances, MAY NOT BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TIME SPECIFIED.

Thank you.

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