SCHEDULE POWER INTERRUPTION (March 24, 2025) between 1:00 AM - 4:00 AM
Date: MARCH 24, 2025 (MONDAY)
Time: 1:00 AM - 4:00 AM
Duration: 3 Hours
Affected AREAS:
>Pajares Feeder serving along Pajares Avenue portion of the following barangay:
*Barangay San Jose
*Barangay San Francisco
*Barangay Gatas
*Barangay Santiago
*Barangay Santa lucia
Reason of Interruption:
*To facilitate the replacement of rotten pole along pajares avenue fronting Megawheels Center.
As a safety precaution, please always consider the power lines energized during the power interruption. Power will be immediately restored upon completion of the scheduled works. Please take the necessary preparations and precautions in anticipation of this scheduled power interruption.
Thank you