Monday, 10 June 2024
Date: JUNE 13, 2024 (THURSDAY)
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 8 HOURS
Affected Areas:
*Line Section serving the customers along the streets of Urro; Mendoza; Broca; Sabate and Governor Vicente Cerilles, San Jose District, Pagadian City.
Reason/s of Interruption:
1.To facilitate the dressing of Doubl;e Circuit Line for Robinson's Place, Pagadian City; Pole Erection; Pay-outing of #4/0 ACSR Conductor; Cutting/Trimming of trees along Gov. VM Cerilles Street, Pagadian City.
As a safety precaution, please always consider the power lines energized during the power interruption. Power will be immediately restored upon completion of the scheduled works. Please take the necessary preparations and precautions in anticipation of this scheduled power interruption.
Thank you.
Published in
Power Advisories