NGCP SCHEDULE POWER INTERRUPTION (NOVEMBER 11, 2023) between 7:30 AM TO 8:00 AM & 11:30 AM TO 12:00NN
Date: NOVEMBER 11, 2023 (SATURDAY)
Time: 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
11:30 AM - 12:00NN
Duration: 1 HOURS
Affected area/s:
• UPPER BAYAO Substation
• TIGUMA Substation
• STA. MARIA Substation
• BALANGASAN Substation
• TIKWAS Substation
• SAN MIGUEL Substation
Municipalities affected:
•Portion of AURORA, ZDS
-Brgy. Lubid
-Brgy. Lantungan
-Brgy. Inroad
-Brgy. Resthouse
•Portion of the municipality of TUKURAN, ZDS
-excluding brgys:
x Navalan
x Laperian
x Buenasuerte
x Sambulawan
Reason/s of Interruption:
1. NGCP will conduct brief interruption to facilitate load shifting during the swinging back to transformer No.2's drop conductor to its original tapping point at Aurora Substation.
2. NGCP will conduct brief interruption for load normalization back to the 100MVA TBEA Transformer No.2
As a safety precaution, please always consider the power lines energized during the power interruption. Power will be immediately restored upon completion of the scheduled works. Please take the necessary preparations and precautions in anticipation of this scheduled power interruption.
Thank you.
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